[Vwdiesel] Snobbery and Car Fixing

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Wed Jun 16 00:45:32 EDT 2004

Some of us have had an offline conversation about how it's 
"uncool" to work on cars.  In many circles it is.  Trust me.

As I was thinking about it this evening, it occured to me
what happened in WW II.  Pictures of German tanks, broke
on the battle field, with the TC, and Gunner sitting outside
having a smoke, while they wait for the mechanics to arrive.

I recall a tank warfare historian talking to us at Ft. Knox
about how a differentiating factor between the German and US
forces during WW II was that the yanks would try to fix just
about anything.  The Germans wouldn't.  If it was broke, it
was the mechanic's job to fix the tank.  And we'll wait until
he can get here and do it.

I've been told stories and seen pictures of a bunch of young
soldiers pulling an engine from a jeep, using a tree in the field.
Many young men in the 40's knew something about things mechanical.

When we give up the flexibility and knowledge base and willingness 
to understand and fix things, we are loosing far more strategically
than we may realize.


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