[Vwdiesel] 1.6 turbo blocks

HWY9FERGS at cs.com HWY9FERGS at cs.com
Fri Jun 18 23:28:43 EDT 2004

Hi all , I finally got educated enough to figure some things out with these 
1.6 blocks. (Thanks for the pics, Shawn!) I have an older, early 1.6 CR block 
and it definately is lacking the bosses in the casting where the oil squirters 
go. HOWEVER, much to my surprise, the CS block I have from a vanagon DOES have 
the correct casting. The flats would need to be machined and the holes 
drilled for the squirters but it does appear to be doable, if marginally impractical 
due to cost of machining and the squirters. If I had to guess I would say the 
ME blocks most likely have the correct castings as well, but I'm not sure. 
Anyway, it's back to trying to come up with squirters. Any leads on some good 
used ones would be much appreciated, although I realize I'm working against 
myself in that department. But-- maybe I just think it's doable, and it's really 
too tricky for a mere mortal to pull off. So forget all about it and send off 
those squirters, there's actual real money in it for you!! No kidding! Doug 

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