[Vwdiesel] Blow-by * Additives and Flus

Ludovic Fremaux ludovic.fremaux at sympatico.ca
Wed Jun 30 12:42:40 EDT 2004

I am waiting for a compression tester to arrive next week. I will then
measure compression on the cylinders and while the injectors are out I
will try your recipe.

I removed and cleaned the valve cover last week, it was not clogged.
Neither was the "Y shape" pipe going from the cover to the intake
manifold. I took out the intake manifold as well (being the original
Vanagon 175k mi I thought it could be the problem). There was a small
amount of tar into the 2 conducts but nothing that would restrain the
flow of blow-by. Cleaning the manifold didn't make much difference.

I could not find any breather on the block. Where is it supposed to be



LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>   Not sure if any additives will help.  Possibly pulling the injectors
> letting a little toluene, WD-40, even working a little oil and then a
> teaspoon of
> water might loosen up carbon in the ring lands.  That would help if
> rings are stuck.  It may just be that the valve cover screen is
plugged up
> so that the blowby has no proper place to go.  Does it have the block
> vent for the breather as well as the valve cover?  That can make all
> difference as well.  Oooooooh!  I need to do that to the Dasher!!!
> help on it for sure!  Thanks!
>      Loren
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