[Vwdiesel] Remember smoke?

Todd Braman thaanow at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 2 00:02:08 EST 2004

 You got me! :(
A little sandpaper cleared the deep ragged stamped numbers. The following is the actual story:     VE R 66-8   0 460 494 077
            VW oooo  068 130 107 A6
            927 147  18882
oooo = audi symbol
Does this mean it is a "yellow dot"?  Bentley said that an '81 should not have a "yellow dot" pump. I bought this car new in 1982 $6995 in Spokane, Wa. Valley Volkswagen, 77 miles on the odometer.I understand that she was US built. The fact that it was still on the lot in '82 may be an indication that something was odd about her. She gave me great service though so I have nothing to gripe about.
Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
Todd Braman

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
VW oooo 088 130 107 A6

I'm inclined to think you have a yellow dot pump. THere is no "yellow dot" 
on them. Originally there was a yellow splotch of sealing/wrecking yard 
type paint on the little round cover at the bottom, visible side of the pump. 

Not really round but the center of it is. I've never seen a pump with a 
after the letter suffix and since the first digits are actually 068 instead 
of 088 
I figure you may be misreading the last as well? There is a - AG pump 
though. I've only seen it on the pickup so far. It times at .88mm which 
wouldn't explain your situation at all. A yellow dot, at 1.15mm would.
You're only an hour and a half away from me! :)
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