[Vwdiesel] TD fuel injectors & engine compression

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Mon Mar 8 23:02:01 EST 2004

On 8 Mar 2004 at 18:51, Scott Kair <scott3491 at insightbb.com> wrote:

>     The injectors on my ECO seem to be original, with no overt symptoms of
> failure.  I recall reading in some VW literature that the injector tips, or
> possibly the entire injectors for the 91-92 US ECOs were different from
> those in preceding years, intending to resist fouling.  Has anyone with an
> ETKA noticed different part numbers?  I'm sure tips/ injectors from earlier
> years would work, but if the "new and improved" models do exist, it might be
> worth exploring if the life is really extended.

>From my EKTA for the '91 models, injector "nozzle with needle" only:

1V: 068 130 211 H
ME/MF: 068 130 211 D

The complete injectors are:

ME: 068 130 201 NX (or NV)
MF: 068 130 201 PX (or PV)

and two more that don't specify the application, but I will assume are for 
the 1V ECO:

068 130 202 DX (or DV)

So there does appear to be a difference, although it's hard to say what it 

Shawn Wright
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