[Vwdiesel] Fw: [EuroDieselCars] Quantum Transmission

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Thu Mar 18 06:50:42 EST 2004

    From the wart list.  I'll forward any responses.
Scott Kair

> ----- Original Message -----
> > Subject: [EuroDieselCars] Quantum Transmission
> Sorry about the off-topic post -
> I have in my possession a stick shift transmission for a 1984 VW quantum
> turbo diesel.  The engine is going into the cogeneration project.  I need
> adapt the trans to the generator, and the obvious way to do that is to
> the front 2 inches off the bell housing, put a plate behind that and bolt
> the generator to the plate.
> If I hack up a quantum transmission, am I committing a mortal sin?  It
> like a REALLY odd duck.....
> Would I do better to get a trans out of a dodge omni (VW bolt pattern) and
> starting with that, or are quantum transmissions more common than I'd
> imagine?

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