[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 48 ---( nifty hillbilly test of injection p...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Mar 18 22:19:14 EST 2004

With engine warm  let sit in idle for 30 seconds. Then pull cold start
all the way out and listen real carefully to engine sound.
If there is no change at all , you may assume that internal pressure
is adequate.
If there is any effect on engine , I suggest that you test pressure with a 

The cold start knob cam will push on timing piston on starting when there is 
pressure to do the job.  As soon as pressure is up the piston is usually out
of reach of the cam. Hence no effect what so ever.

  Beg to differ with you there.  The cold start advance DOES affect the 
engine timing until somwhere in the 2K RPM region.  The initial graph 
is a 45 degree slope from 0,0.  When you pull the lever out, the slope's 
beginning jumps up however many degrees and is flat until it intersects 
the original slope.  Y is degrees advance and X is engine RPM.

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