[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 52 -- ( Cool things for your Rabbit )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Mar 20 12:32:02 EST 2004

I have in mind old VW 's  -- so there.

I must have screwed up in the way I wrote things , but what I intended to say
is valid.

So here it comes in expanded version.

After extensive reading in archives the most difficult problem to solve was
smoke and lack of power.    I suspect that the reason you got that rabbit
for 300 dollars had something to do with that. A lot of people gave up.

My first 3 Rabbits were all heavy smokers and lazy. Take a look now   WOW.

I have in mind old VW 's  -- so there.

I know it will strike a nerve with a LOT of you as you go on reading.

A normal  smart person will head for the Bentley and go at it.  Timing
with dial indicator to perfection. Testing compression.Testing valve clearance.
Replacing injectors.New battery .Testing glowplugs.   have I missed something ?
ok you fill it in. But to taking the pump to an overhaul shop  was not done ,for the
simple reason , it was still running and to pay 1000 dollars for a pump on a 300 
dollar VW is hard to justify. (2000 dollar Can for reman pump from Capilano)

So that's were this saga started ,  a  300 dollar  1980 Rabbit deluxe 4 door 1.5L NA
4 on the floor.  ---- to put it plainly  -- it was thrashed.

No start if not plugged in  ----  cold start all the way out just to warm up. Lots
of "Dieselfog"  until warm. ( not a mosquito to be found now)   So much blowby
that she ran away on me one day. If you want to know what a VW diesel sounds
like at 10 000 to 20 000 RPM -just ask.

At that point in time I had no Bentley and I had not stumbled in here yet .
And I had never been driving or had a ride in a VW diesel car.

Was I scrared ?  bet your ass I was -- that was my only set of wheels .
The GM V8 diesel had just popped a headbolt. No streetcars in this neck of the

I have in mind old VW 's  -- so there.

There is a happy ending to this Saga --  and if you hang in there your Rabbit will
give up smoking and run better than a Deere.

So what was the missing information in  the Bentley and the archives ????. 
The pump pressure that's what.  I had to use "stealth" and downright bullshit
to get hold of the numbers.  Proprietary info and the like you all know that one.

But how did I a newbie discover that --- that was a problem ?  It has to do with 
getting rid of some cases of time expired aviation oil sitting in the shed.
I had the bright idea that if I mixed it in with fuel , it would lubricate injection system
and stretch mileage. It is a NIL ash oil  no SASH.

So one fine day I decide to see how much I could add without problems.   WOW
what a day.  So I added a couple of quarts of  Esso  AD-120 to 20 litres of diesel.
What happened next would have to be experienced .   After putting the fuel in tank
I had to go for a trip to Lund. When I got out to lower rope at highway I noticed that
the engine sounded completely different from the day before. A deep throaty mellow
sound ---no marbles on a plate nothing. Next thing the long hill just before Lund---
NO smoke and it flew up that hill in high gear. I always had to gear down at that hill
in the past and it would lay down a detroyerworthy smoke-screen.

I have in mind old VW 's  -- so there.

Stay tuned it may be continued.


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