[Vwdiesel] air intake... :o)

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sun Mar 21 09:16:32 EST 2004

cass wrote:
> hi..
> yes ,it was a busy day!!  :o)
> now that i have this newer intake on my older jetta..
> (older ones had kinda 'trumpet/pipe' air intake..this one was originally
> breathed..via flexible hose..to a
> hole in the inside.engine comp..fender, i dont have that hole.. ::looks::  nope. :o)  )
> id like to put the air intake to the passenger side of the rad.
> close to the grill..
> my question is........
> (is the anticipation killing you?????)
>   will i have to worry bout water entering the intake?
> the car is on the wet coast....(b.c.)
> so we get lotsa rain..
> but im thinking as long as im not blasting through deep puddles(some people call them lakes)
> that this would be ok????
> ok..thankyou for any input..

I put a cold air intake on my '82, the inlet is angled down and so far it has not seemed to pick up any water:
Its removeable with one screw so if needed it could be removed in seconds.


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