[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump timing

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 22 13:30:44 EST 2004

Loren, if timing is that simple and a timing advance
gueage is not always needed, then this sounds like the
old "Turn the distributer by hand until the power is
right" on a beetle after getting to TDC.
Once your 3 timing marks are lined up, just adjust the
pump by hand.

My motor were most likely not timing, but clearance. 
If the motor seemed to run fine, power was good, no
smoke, then timing was pretty close and I was
splitting hairs at that point.

Thanks for the lesson on timing 101.

Bryan Belman
Pt. Pleasant, NJ

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   Generally all you need to do is line up all your
> marks and it's obvious.  
> You usually are off one tooth so setting the engine
> on TDC #1 lines up 
> the mark on the flywheel.  Then check that the cam
> slot is parallel to the 
> top of the head and there's a mark on the inside rim
> of the pump pulley.  
> It should pretty well line up with a "cast in" mark,
> on the top of the front 
> pump mounting bracket.  My guess would be it's
> retarded.
>      Loren
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