[Vwdiesel] Timing 101 question please

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 22 14:16:30 EST 2004

Thanks Loren, I am felling a "little" smarter now and
the light bulb has finally gone on for setting diesel
timing.  It's not rocket scientist work.

Dead Diesel Westy

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> 1.  Is it possible for a motor to run 500-1000 miles
> with valve contact, assuming hydraulic valves are
> lessening the impact on valve stem and cam?
>   If it was just tapping the piston then I'd say it
> likely could.
> > 
> > Or, could the valves have been hitting all along,
> > there were 2 head gaskets on this motor, to allow
> for
> > additional clearance?  thanks Overland, your the
> best.
> > 
>   Makes me wonder if the valve stem length was ever
> ground down 
> to the correct length (protrusion length).  :(
> > 
> > 2.  If the timing was advanced above spec, would
> the
> > intake or exhaust valves make contact with
> pistons?
> > 
>   Nope, simply rotating the pump only changes the
> instatnt the fuel 
> goes in.  That won't make a change in when the
> piston is up and the 
> valves are down.
> > 
> > 3.  Does rotating the pump to set timing stroke
> not
> > only controls the point at which fuel is injected
> into
> > TDC piston stroke but machanically moves cam as
> well?
> > 
>   Sometimes the cam will fudge a little but it
> really doesn't move it
> as all you do is rotate the pump around it's shaft. 
> The cogged belt 
> should stay still, keeping the relationship of the
> cam, pump and crank 
> all the same.  
>   Just because the cam bolt was tight doesn't mean
> the belt couldn't have 
> jumped a tooth or was set wrong to start with.  : O
>      Loren
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