[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 54 --- ( Shims for William and Nozzles for Mark )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Mar 23 09:54:56 EST 2004

source for injector adjusting shims   William A. Thompson 

Sorry I figured some of the grand wizards were going to answer you.

But yes I have lots of old shims here and I work on injectors just about
every day.  Shims are easy to ship , just line up and stick to a piece of
sticky tape an slip in envelope. Sources are all over the place .
Hillbilly shims are at your fingertips .  Those little wavy washer on the Rabbits
are great --they are spring steel .  Do not use soft washers except as an experiment.
The problem comes when you are ready to select thickness' .
In stead of ordering a 40 thou --  get 2   20 thou..  I have lots of  60 thou and
80 thou. But if you need a 50  thou ?   they are useless.   The shim problem
was a piece of cake for me. Lots of suppliers are on the net.

Mark Shepperd  : stay tuned   ---I am trying to write about nozzles.

I like to keep advertising out of here so I shall send list of suppliers
by email.     


PS: on the shim issue ---with new nozzles they are so easy to adjust
to a very small tolerance --- there comes the need for very thin shims.
Mine are all BOSCH.

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