[Vwdiesel] Free VW Vanagon in Elmhurst, IL
82 Diesel Westy
dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 12:14:41 EST 2004
Why do I wake up in the middle of the night and think
about things like that? Too many projects, not
enought time. My almost 6 year old will be needing a
car soon...kids take a lot of time but they're worth
every minute of it. I just can't wait until he can
help me with my VW obsession..........
--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> I would pick it up if I didn't already have 3 cars
> for
> 2 drivers in the family, and a 2yr. old that takes
> up
> a lot of time.
> But before you know it that 2yo will be needing a
> vehicle and you just
> MIGHT be close to finishing that Vanagon by then!
> ;-)
> Loren
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