[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 55 - - ( Bodypanels are available ).

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Mar 23 14:41:01 EST 2004

Like any newbie with a rusty Bunny --- I asked for weld-in panels. Had little luck.
But I met a mechanic here who asked me if I was Danish. Would I help him find a
company in Denmark that specialized in stamped body parts. He gave me the name
"Vang"      Today i stumbled on the real name  " Veng"   but it went out of business.
However I found the company that took over.

AutoNordic ApS.      Køge  Danmark.

By some crazy luck I talk to a woman in that town every day of the week. Its a small
town so she may be handy as a liaison officer ---  she likes American rock and roll .
So to bribe her would be a piece of cake.(besides she likes me)

The prices posted look very reasonable. Find panel pictures on the website.

Nuff for this time.


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