[Vwdiesel] Vacuum Pump problems

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Tue Mar 23 19:50:27 EST 2004

cass wrote:
> um..could you send this to me also..as i had just re-built
> my vacuum pump and now* im* not sure if i did it properly... :o(
> also..may as well ask..
> what are the symptoms when the vac pump fails?
> (i re-built it cause i had it out..and had to clean it anyways...)
> anyone rebuild one with out taking the shaft thing apart to tension it and have it be fine?
> (hopeful question) :o)

Didn't have any trouble with mine, only reason the diaphram failed was oil mist had gotten in there from the crankcase hose, rotted out the rubber until it failed.  Just replaced the rubber part and put it all back together, ran fine.

Symptoms of a failed pump:
1. Very hard brake pedal, i.e. no vacuum brake boost
2. In A/C vehicle, your HVAC venting will not switch (they are vacuum operated)


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