[Vwdiesel] Breather hose to front of block?

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Thu Mar 25 11:10:24 EST 2004

>> > What interested me was the breather hose that goes from the VC to the
>> > front side of the block. Was this arrangement ever used on automotive
>> > engines? If not, why not? Anyone know?

Reduced air velocity up the head oil passages.

One engine ago in my high-mile 87 jetta, I was having trouble with excess
blow-by whistling up through the oil return passages to the head, causing
oil to acumulate in the head until it spilled into the breather and over to
the air induction.

Can you say RUNNAWAY ! ! !??  ((:^0)

After a couple of white knuckle episodes on the freeway, I redirected the
breather hose into a gallon jug, and another from there to the induction. No
more runaway/smokescreen generator (man, what that would have done for those
white lightnin' runs)  

Bonus, puked oil could be poured back into the engine occasionally.
(conservation at work)

That same car, all new suspension, good tires, brakes, etc, and a weed-patch
salvage TD runs and drives like a Porche, better than any time in the last
300,000 miles.
Might even make it back from the moon!


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