[Vwdiesel] ITS ALIVE!! (& leaky injectors)
LBaird119 at aol.com
LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Mar 29 03:14:03 EST 2004
As stated, make sure it's not the return lines. It can easily be the
lines though. Since it's a tapered cone, it USUALLY isn't the problem in
itself. What I've seen is the back/upper side of that taper (on the line)
gets mashed and splayed out by many or overtightening cycles of
reinstalling the lines. Kind of mashes out like the brim of a hat and there
should only be a cone with the nut capping it. Mine all had such nice
brims on them that they looked normal that way. Picked up a good
used set of lines and fixed the problem. :)
I first tried grinding the brim off. It helped but things were smooshed
around enough that it still didn't make a good seal and leaked, but less.
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