[Vwdiesel] max fuel adjustment

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Wed Mar 31 23:13:35 EST 2004

I've never given much heed to the max rpm screw. 

yes, it works in conjunction with the max fuel screw. I just run it out
so it merely  acted as a full throttle stop and adjusted my max fuel for
desired effect.

Not by the book, but it works.

Besides, if we always set our fueling by the book we would still be
driving the "anemic" version of the rabbit as delivered from the


On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 16:51, H.Hagar wrote:
> Ummmm...
> Is this right?
> Top of pump (screws connected to accelerator) controls the amount of
> fuel injected, thereby controlling idle and max rpm.
> Ummmm     not really.
> Side of pump controls max fuel given at a particular degree (of the top of pump accelerator control), in
> essence giving more fuel for the idle, more fuel for the mid range and more fuel for max at a given rpm,
> (raising the scale).
> Ummmm   not really.
> I'm going pick up a copy of the bosch ve yellow book to see if I can internalize this.
> Ummmm   good idea.
> Hagar.
> PS:   My version on the way.
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