[Vwdiesel] RE: Toluene

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed May 5 19:33:31 EDT 2004

Toluene while raising gas octane would hurt diesel cetane rating

  Guess I wasn't too clear on the direction I was thinking.  What I'm 
wondering is:  Does toluene actually raise the octane or does it make 
the burn more uniform, thus creating the illusion of higher octane when 
it's actually "averaging" the burn of the fuel.  In other words keeping 
the lower octane components from pre-igniting.  IF, big if, but IF it's 
doing that, then it should do similar in diesel and may make for a burn 
that simulates higher cetane fuel.  If it simply raises the octane then 
it won't help.  I already know that.  The only way to know is to actually 
KNOW or to experiment.  I just didn't want to expirement on a whole tank
of fuel.

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