[Vwdiesel] Homebrew Surface Plate

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed May 12 01:02:37 EDT 2004

*   Laboratory grade AA: (40 + diagonal [in inches] of surface plate 
squared/25) x 0.000001 in.

  When I worked at the machine shop we had a 5 X 8 or 10 surface plate 
about a foot thick.  It got to where one spot was low and always sticky.  
Some of the guys that had worked for REAL shops started complaining, 
so they FINALLY got it inspected and reworked.  Two guys spent most 
of the day playing "catch" with a "sled" with abrasives under it.  They 
had a cool device that gave a graphic readout of the surface.  The before 
was really bad.  The after was really good except the one spot, which 
wasn't bad but was something like .0003 off.  Don't remember exactly.
  A digital height gauge is a nice addition to a good plate.  :)

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