[Vwdiesel] main seal

cass iscass at shaw.ca
Tue May 18 00:11:41 EDT 2004

ok..im waiting on the seal.ill give it another 300 km.
.(the bigger  4" one hagar :o) )
yes..its a new one...
its down to one drip at shut down now.
i just HATE drips!!!
(me included sometimes)
so/...if i do replace this one...
people(James?) are saying it may be prudent to lightly sand the 
crank shaft..um..seal surface? while i have the 'carrier'(aluminum piece)
(with wet dry 220)
have never done this..or herd of it.
next thing onlist to fix *soon*is the freekishly LOUD howling 
i believe to be my front right bearing..i did not know they
could be that loud!!!   :o)


  should i wait another week..another 200 k?

  Hagar say Yes. :

  Here is a hillbilly logic explanation :   WHAT ? have you got to loose by
  waiting.?   a few drops of oil.

  WHAT ?   have you got to gain ?   you may not have to do the job. I had
  many seals over the years that sealed after a while. 

  What do you call main seal ?  the 2inch or the 4inch ?

  Are you telling us that you did not replace both seals ,when you had the
  shaft out ?

  Many types of seals do seal after exposure to lots of heat and pressure.Some need
  a fluid like ATF. Leather seals are notorious for going DRY in storage but will
  seal after they get soaked.

  Personally I tend to lean towards James Hansens procedure of using fine
  very fine wet and dry paper, on the shaft.But I do have some chromed or polished
  shafts ---giving no problems.

  The only VW seals I had problems with so far are pump seals.


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