[Vwdiesel] Clutch cable install - Success !!!

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 2 00:10:17 EST 2004

Free play, what's that ?!?!?  I ended up having tension on the cable.
Tighten the snot out of the cable ( so that the clutch lever goes up ) and
then try playing with it.  I tightened mine as far as I could.  Then I
backed it off as far as I could while still being able to shift it smooth.
Funny though, while it worked fine the other day, it was clunking for my
wife today and it was for me too.  I tightened up the cable a bit and that
seemed to help, but for some reason I could not eliminate it today.
Clunking gets further reduced when the cold start handle is in too ...  I
think that I may still have some issues with the clutch sliding on the
splines, but I'll drive it like this for now.  Maybe I'll get lucky and work
it back to normal.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shalyn Shourds" <sshourds at flash.net>
To: "Derek" <weasel1 at sympatico.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 11:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Clutch cable install - Success !!!

> I'll have to go and play with it some.  I just set it to where I thought
> it was right about (13mm play) six years ago, and have gotten adept at
> rev-matching.  What kind of free-play did that leave you with?  I was
> actually fixing to drop the tranny and replace the pressure plate and
> clutch.
> Thanks for giving me a potential easy way out.
> -Shalyn
> Derek wrote:
> >Finally got it adjusted right.  Guess when I thought I had it right, I
didn't.   All I needed to do was to be sick, stay at home instead of going
to work and try to adjust things in the dark when you can't see squat by a
flashlight.  Turns out that instead of a little slack in the cable ( and I
mean little ) I needed some tension.  I tightened the snot out of it and
discovered that there was a "spot".  If I had the pedal there, it would
shift in and out clunk free.  I backed off the adjustment until the spot
moved closer to the floorboard and voila !  Clunk free and smooth shifting.
I guess what I was feeling before was the over center spring.  Let that be a
lesson to you all.  Start tight and then back off.  It will save you some of
the headache I went through ...
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