[Vwdiesel] Alternator Replacement...Upgrade?

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Mon Nov 8 09:34:09 EST 2004

You're going to have mounting issues.  Beyone 60A, the physical 
layout of the altenator (size mostly) has to be different.  I suppose
someone may have made custom altenator guts for a smaller housing,
but I'm unaware of it.

The altenator on my A2 1.5 NA jetta is rated 90A, and tests out at 103A
at 2500 RPM on the engine.

Oh, around the 4th brush replacement on this altenator, I got a reman
from Autozone.  Lifetime warranty.  They've "replaced the brushes" for
me several times since.  Apparently they didn't figure that some people
keep VWs around for short lifetimes.

The reality is that on the A1s there was less electrical draw, except
when there was allot of owner installed equipment.  I had one A1 that
I put two batteries into.  It had no less than 5 transcievers, and there
were times that I put a duplexer onto the back seat for temporary hilltop
ham repeater operation.  The car looked like a porcupine going down the
road.  (Ever pull up to someone at a traffic light, and their radio
is deafening?  I'd just call CQ on selected radios and desense their
car radio.  The puzzled looks it got...)  


> Is there a higher output alternator from possibly a later model VW that
> would fit the A1 NA 1.6 diesel? The one on the rabbit died this weekend
> with my son. Figures. We were in Charleston, he was visiting his
> grandparents, when this happened. Anyway, is there a relative easy
> upgrade. Thanks, Troy
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