[Vwdiesel] Nozzle talk for beginners-----( the hagar snozzle )
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Tue Nov 16 01:02:06 EST 2004
I swear by GOD by Jehowah by Allah by Odin and Thor that I will pay 50
000 dollars
for a brand new 1984 Rabbit turbo identical to my seetheart BUNNY BONDO.
What a design ---- absolutely magnificent.
I saw an original paint late 70's rabbit today, with the original "DIESEL"
decals that ran along the bottom of the door about eight inches high- red
car with white decals. Paint was a tad faded, but no rust, just age and a
stupid owner that is letting a classic go bad. I wish I had my camera along.
It was parked in front of the office all day. It was beautiful. *sniff*
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