[Vwdiesel] Nozzle Questions

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Nov 16 13:52:05 EST 2004

I have here in front of me   193    273 and 293 nozzles.   And like a lot of you I 
put a micrometer on everything   .     The last thing to take a look at is
pintle seat angle.

If you guys  see a Micronta  illuminated  30 X   Microscope   cheap    grab it.

Many many cracks turned out to be scratches.     And for the pintle angle ?    works

The problem with seat angle is this    -----bosch   made very small changes.

BUT    there is a nozzle      called the throttling nozzle   it lets the fuel in a little
at the time in relation to pintle lift.  That reduces the size of the marbles at idle.

The taper of the seat is different on nozzles. of different number.

Like Loren said change to a NEW nozzle and no need to change shims.   German
accuracy in  QC is astounding.         They test even the testers.  (used to)


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