[Vwdiesel] Re: Injection pump talk --- ( for the pump gang )

William A. Thompson twogreek at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 17 08:00:08 EST 2004

[William A. Thompson] Replying to Hagar.
Here are links I posted under the original thread. The second 
(tinyurl) one is the same as the first but won't be broken up by 
the Yahoo parsing for margins.



"H . Hagar." <h_hagar-4FDUx8J9D5E at public.gmane.org> wrote in message news:000c01c4cc00$a0ffc700$57ed7240 at bunneyblue...
William A. Thompson    yes I have the piece in my hand and will mail it free of charge.
[William A. Thompson]  Would love to have it Hagar .. thanks. I'll try getting your mail address 
from the group pages and send you a mailing address to send it to.

First two things has to happen   ---- I have to find my calipers and  we compare parts.

In the recess in the piston is a spacer   like a shim.    Looks like a small washer with a small hole.
[William A. Thompson] Yes exactly as you describe it. .098 inch US thickness.

Is that the one ?     show a picture of it  please.    Did it break in half ?   or totally break
up ?
[William A. Thompson] Broke in half across the diameter.

The piston and the camplate turns together so it is not a rotating bearing.
[William A. Thompson] Yes they do spin together. I had thought 
the plunger (piston) control bore went all the way thru to the shim. 
If it did it would have provided a hydraulic bearing surface for frictionless
spinning. Just looked again and I notice it doesn't. My mistake Hagar.

And for all pump gang members  ---- if you find a working pump for  100 dollars  US ?

[William A. Thompson] I saw a few pumps for less than that ... but all had no 
guarantee of condition. Here is the link.

if you need it get it.        I would NOT sell any of my tested pumps for 100 dollars     BUT
as a hand to someone in a finacial pothole ?   yeah I would give it for free.
[William A. Thompson] I don't blame you if you didn't want to give up a known 
good pump ... I wouldn't either. They are hard to find in a "slap it in and drive 
away" condition. I packrat everything even though sometimes I don't find a use 
for 30 years.


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