[Vwdiesel] Re: Injection pump talk --- ( for the pump gang )

William A. Thompson twogreek at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 17 16:05:02 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar-4FDUx8J9D5E at public.gmane.org>
Newsgroups: gmane.culture.cars.volkswagen.diesel
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: Injection pump talk --- ( for the pump gang )

William A Thompson   your part is on the way soon.
[William A Thompson]  ... Reply to Hagar ... very cool Hagar. I eagerly 
await the part and opportunity to see if my two hands can hold all the 
pump internals in place while putting the distributor back on the pump.

How did I become a Pump Fanatic  ?  the day I was quoted 5000 dollars Canadian
for a 1.6 L NA pump for my Rabbit 1982.
[William A Thompson] For me it was getting stranded in the desert after relying 
on a mechanics' work. I was 19 YO and in the Marine Corps traveling across 
country to report to my next duty station. I was stuck for 2 days and nearly 
late for my reporting in time. Since then no one else has ever worked on my car 
except for those things where the equipment is cost prohibitive for me to buy. 

CAPILANO VW  BC  Canada  ---stealership.   So now I steal from them
using the 800 number. ----5000 ?  I call that swinery.

We in the pump gang  are gaining in power   ---knowledge is POWER.

The VE type pump was invented in the USA   as far as I remember by  Chicago
Schrew company   -----------    Stanadyne pumps ?        BUT then the
BOSCH  gang got hold of the idea  ---and  they made one hell of a lot better
pump  IMHO.
[William A Thompson] The Bosch pump is an amazing piece of work. How 
many car parts last as long ... 30+ years ... with only the need for a bit of lubrication?

I have both types here in front of me   The stanadyne does have one very good
feature    it splits the piston in two   so the push is ballanced againt the inside of
a cam ring.     No outside force.     --   I will never learn the right way to
use thrust or trust ?

If you wonder who are some of the other pump gang members ?   here are
some  Loren,Gary Bangs,Doyt,Gavrik peterson,WilliamA Thompson,Hate wall,
James Hansen,Val Christian,Sandy Cameron,-----wow   we are gaining.

[William A Thompson] Now if we could only find a source for internal specs 
and parts for rebuilds. It won't be long before there aren't any junkyard pumps 
available for salvage.

Those who do the pumps for a living are not going to like us. (I am retired)
[William A Thompson] IMHO ... tough sh!$ ... it always pisses me off when 
a manufacturer will not supply me with parts and kits. $300 to have Bosch 
rebuild a pump is hiway robbery when they don't provide the means for an 
owner to rebuild his pump himself.

If  you are a total newbie    put the question to the pump gang. we may be
able to help you .   A DIY can test a pump   ---IMHO.
[William A Thompson] Yes ... testing this pump to see if it is good enough 
to use is not difficult. But ... when one fails a test one is limited to resealing 
.. that's the only kit available ... or cannibalizing.

So Bart Wineland    test your pump.    For serious testing ? yes you do
need a dial indicator for testing stroke.  ---Worn cam lobes or roller wear.

I offer no excuses for saying that my fun and accomplisment comes from
mastering (trying to) these great little pumps.
[William A Thompson] For me the fun is in two things. First making it 
run better than the paid mechanics will or can. The standard adjustments 
are middle of the road for "driveability" and not optimized for your driviing 
style. Second ... is making my equipment last much longer than most 
people can by virtue of my maintenence and greater understanding 
having done that so as not to abuse it like most people do because 
of their lack of understanding.

Give them lubrication and they last a long long time.   

Rambling ?       OK    so have fun.
[William A Thompson] Ramble on Hager. Some of us Pups (I'm 53 YO) 
know that some of the best pearls of wisdom comes from listening to 
what might sound like rambleiing to others who haven't learned to 
carefully listen.
.. Bill


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