[Vwdiesel] Weekend science threads: Flat tyres

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Sat Nov 20 12:09:29 EST 2004

I just went through this on my Caddy.

IMHO, the fix-it in a can is good only for emergencies. It changes the
rolling resistance of the tire and makes steering more difficult;
especially on non-power steering cars.

If you want to keep the tires for a significant length of time longer,
have it repaired properly. If you have access to the right tools, you
can do this yourself with a bicycle patch kit.


P.S., I ended up replacing both front tires. It was like I installed
power steering! No more pulling to the side.

On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 07:57, Mark Shepherd wrote:
> I have a slow puncture that I've had for about 6 months... It takes about 2 weeks to go down to about 15psi from 34ish. The tyre has probably a years life left in it. Rather than hunt out an innertube which is a bit like hens teeth on the high st. due to the regulatory body of the European Nanny state...8O(    Ah I digress....
> I have an emergency repair cannister that is able to inflate and seal (it says temporarily and cost about $12ish )
> I'm thinking this must contain a vulcanising solution; so do any of the chemists have any thoughts on 'miserly' substitutes? Logic tells me to go to the shed and find some bottles of solvent and spill some on a tyre and see what softens it. I'm thinking some cycle tyre repair sol'n diluted/thinned would be the um er solution ;o)
> Miser
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