[Vwdiesel] Leaking injector line leakage cure

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Nov 22 16:56:49 EST 2004

Take the offending line off (assuming nut not under tightened) get an eyeglass (eg eyepiece off a microscope) and look at the coneshaped end. If the problem is cumulative overtightening over the decades which almost inevitable then you will see quite clearly a ridge where the cone 'overspills' the injector socket... 
Think Blueberry muffin where it overspills its paper wrapper. 
Just remove this edge with a honing stone which is causing a partial floating of the line cone because the lip of the injector is hitting this first. Don't hone the cone ;o)

NB Dont be put off by the surface of the cone looking like a 'moon shot'....

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