[Vwdiesel] Lube window regulator?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Nov 23 11:30:36 EST 2004

I've got a drivers' side regulator that badly needs a grease job....  did you ever figure out the 'non-removal' trick?....  guess I'm just lazy; I have 13 fewer to do than you!


OK   Neil :   I am glad you asked. ,  I would never have solved this problem on my own. I
am in to injection systems and so on  NOT stiff windows.

So why am I glad ?   because going on my experience  OLD Rabbits need that rack
lubricated say every two years ?.

And newbies need to know this , so they do not buy new handles rather than oil the rack.
(like me).
ALL the credit goes to a young whippersnapper from Seattle   GAVRIK PETERSON.

He asked me if it was ok to drop in ---  (place is a mess)    so I said ok if you can put up with the way the place is.  He wound up sleeping on the floor and sharing the master bedroom
with a Woodpecker    " Peckerhead "   .

He actually removed one rack  --- using his tools. He is high teck    ---using a water pik
to clean a rack ?   .

Here is the answer :   make a small  U  shaped oiler  , and squirt oil in  as high as you
can both ends.

The rack tube is a slit open type of tube   so   feel the back of it .  Towards the door padding it looks
like a solid tube. Not so.     Teutonik henhause konstruktionen say I.

Not only did Gavrik show me that trick ----but he got this computer working (my spare).

He turned out to be a worthy debater ----  I love debating  ---yeah I loose at times ,
BUT I always learn.

For me ? winning is all important ?   NOT at all  ---LEARNING is ALL important.

What is so important to me in this forum ?    ---simple ---watson   --the connect
to a lot of higly motivated analytical minds.  --------I have a little antenna in my brain
that twigs to those extra experienced and smart people --out there. AND ?   maybe YOU
have special skills. EH ?    and tricks and nifty tools ?  Let the forum judge you.

If you need help badly and fast ?    LOREN is your man.     "Hagrid" to me   ---wander
if he ever saw Potter # 1   ----the scooter ?   delivering Harry ?.

In closing  ---- if the windows fix works for you ? thank Gavrik Peterson.


PS :    Gavriks engine was cleaner than my dishes.----------my dream was to do it that way
but life must go on --that is NOT to be. And it never smoked.

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