[Vwdiesel] Injector Heat Shields

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Wed Nov 24 10:59:08 EST 2004


If it seals, it probably won't affect power.

But installed wrong, there is a change for carbon to build up in the
newly formed void next to the injector face.

If you look at the shield, one side will have a rounded face(convex),
and the other will be flat with two concentric circles(and concave).
Install the shields so that the rounded face faces the head, and the two
circles face the injector nozzle. If you have a Bentley or even a Haynes
manual, there is a picture showing proper orientation.

1980 P/U NA-IDI
1997 Passat TDI 

On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 07:09, Kevin wrote:
> Just was curious if anybody knows if you install the
> heat shields the wrong way does it affect the
> performance of the engine?  I might have done this
> being a rookie with heat shields and diesels in
> general.  Also does someone have a picture of how they
> should be installed?  I'd like to try and describe how
> I think they should be (now) but am not even sure
> where to start on the description.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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