[Vwdiesel] WANT: reverse light switch 86 Golf 1.6L Na 5-sp diesel

Marcel mygroups at websworld.org
Wed Nov 24 11:16:12 EST 2004

Roger Brown wrote:
> "Smith, Michael" wrote:
>>In my ongoing revitalization of my 1986 (CDN) Golf 1.6L 5-speed diesel, I
>>have found that the reverse lights are on 100% of the time.
>>Tranny Switch?  (where do you find this switch anyways?--ie: do I have to
>>jack up the car or can I access it from near the shifter boot, engine bay or
> Its in the tranny (transaxle) of all places.  Look for the only thing in the
> tranny with wires going to it, up on the top side.  Likely will be a box sort
> of looking switch with a larger connector on it.  2 screws hold it to the
> transaxle housing.  There are a at least two types of switches.

Funny, I have one of those multi pin switches on top of the box but 
can't find any combination of pins that work like a reverse light 
switch... I guess it's just bad.


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