[Vwdiesel] Rex's Repair manual Vex

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 24 21:35:46 EST 2004

While I would definitely agree that this group is
better than any manual I would still recommend getting
the Bentley. That way you can be referred to the
places where they get it right or mostly so (which in
my opinion is most of the book - I'm highly
impressed.) And there's a wealth of pictures in there
that are much harder to come by online.

It's so nice to have a page to mention when asking for
guidance - ie the manual on page 11.32 says this and
it's not quite clear to me, or it's not working for me
so what do I do?

It's one of the better investments you can make in
your car, in my opinion.

Heck, members here would probably even be willing to
scan a few pages here and there to help out, but in
the long run it's much easier to have your own manual
handy to look stuff up all the time. On Ebay you can
find them for anywhere from $20-40. I am so impressed
that I got 3 of them to cover all the different cars
I've got, even tho many of the systems would be at
least similar across the different models. (I've got
the book for Audi diesels, Rabbit - jetta - pickup,
and Vanagon - all early 80's diesels.)

--- Mark Shepherd <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Forget the manual use this automatic...
> Better than a Bentley
> Hotter than a Haynes
> Type your question here and cure all your pains ;o)
> This group has a higher collective knowledge
> Than that of the Krell in the Forbidden Planet...
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