[Vwdiesel] homemade valve compressor

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 25 10:13:19 EST 2004

Something else to think about VW valve guides is that they only cost
about $3.50 last time I checked.(Oops! make that $8.00 now)

Still, if you are handy with tools, this is a bargain when refreshing a


On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 23:40, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   Drilling and maching guides is cast iron work (domestic V-8's and such).  
> Most aluminum have silicon bronze or phosphorous bronze (I think) 
> guides, which are generally press in and out.  Cast ones neeed drilled, 
> pressed, shaped and reamed. If you have the tool that fits all the way 
> down the guide, when you press or drive then in, then reaming very 
> well may not be needed as the tool holds the dimension.  Otherwise 
> you need an 8mm reamer.  I've found that you use a good lubricating 
> oil for the intakes and something very light or dry on the exhausts.  
> You want the exhaust guides a tad more loose than the intakes to 
> start with.  
>   I can see why you'd test with a new valve.  The exhaust stems 
> wear.   Most that I've checked were tapered to .003" of wear.  Not 
> much of a test of the guide with a valve like that!
>      Loren
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