[Vwdiesel] It's Alive!!!

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun Nov 28 00:09:58 EST 2004

I went out tonight, and finally, after almost six months, the TDI 
clattered to life.  This is the one the tensioner broke on, ate the 
head, and the mechanic just couldn't think of anything he'd done that 
could cause that to happen. 

I guess the timing is quite a bit off, though.  It starts up 
immediately, but then it occasionally stumbled, wouldn't run up very 
high RPM's, and then absolutely filled the garage with acrid white 
Diesel smoke.  I may have to spend the cash on VAG-COM yet.  If it'd run 
better, I had hoped to take my emissions recall to the dealer and say, 
"while you have it hooked up, reckon you could check the timing?"   As 
it is.... 

But, on the balance, I'm pretty happy.  It runs, and nothing went bang. 


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