[Vwdiesel] Rainy Season, Leaky Jetta
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Nov 29 01:30:18 EST 2004
Interesting how many A2 windshields have a bow shaped crack across
the bottom of it. I've seen a couple around here that are cracked exactly
the same as mine!
I'm thinking that the A2 is hard to properly install the windshield, then
the stress crack shows up later. I have seen too many leakers with
aftermarket windsheild installs. I had an A2 bubbler that would whistle on
the highway, and a friend had one that was really loud. Drove me nuts
trying to find it, until I used a small microphone to locate it while
driving (could pinpoint the sound, and the leak) The bubbles were easy to
find, the noise in a different location wasn't. I think a good glass shop
would be in order for A2 replacement glass, or at least one that doesn't
press it on too much, then have it bounce back up before the urethane cures
and leave a void.
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