[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 121 ---- ( First book named Rabbit ? ---does not make you WONDER ? )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Oct 8 13:37:24 EDT 2004

Quick Biography: 
J.K Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury General Hospital on Saturday July 31st 1965. Her interest in writing started at a very early age, when she was nearly six years old. Her first book she ever wrote was called Rabbit and was about a rabbit who was sick and all his friends came to visit him. From that tender age onwards she has held her interest in writing. 

I swear by God that I never knew until today------ Harry Potter was a film that I liked --but I had no

Idea who wrote it.          I write about Medicare for sick Rabbits ?   ---strange ? if it

is ALL by chance.   The first English I learned was about a Rabbit ?   ---First page

Danish textbook ---a picture of a Rabbit  "See me hop and see me run , it is fun fun fun "

I cared for many many Rabbits during War # 2.   only to see them killed for food

and skin.  ----- I swear I will never eat Rabbit again ---or kill one.

I live and sleep VW Rabbits now  ------gone bonkers ?  I think so.


PS Do NOT poo poo magic just yet.

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