[Vwdiesel] Re: EJ's bounce

Matt matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Sat Oct 9 21:18:15 EDT 2004

I found that when I replaced my wheel bearings in the front, the hub on 
the passenger side was pulling out of the bearing.  it made the whole 
wheel wobble like mad.  It's just something to check...


On Oct 9, 2004, at 7:51 AM, E. J. Gilbert wrote:

> All opinions are appreciated.  The front end was aligned with all 
> steering components checked for wear and function.  The wheels were 
> checked for trueness and balanced.  This was in a reputable shop, but 
> they could have overlooked something.
> With the transmission in the bed, the symptoms have returned 
> yesterday.  I checked one rear wheel bearing and found it loose.  
> Tightened it up, but no change on the test drive.  This problem is 
> driving me slightly crazy to the point that I may have to put it in a 
> diagnostic shop and let them sort it out.  This is against my 
> principles, but driving 40 mph for the life of the vehicle is not 
> really what I want to do.  Other than the "bounce" problem, the pickup 
> is in great condition getting 42 mpg (US gallon), starts easily, and 
> has lots of pep due to the BAE turbo. I have been driving it for 11 
> years and it just now has 100,000 miles on it.
> Thanks for the help,
> EJ
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