[Vwdiesel] Re-Ringing a Rabbit for beginners. -- ( good advice.)

Bart Wineland bwinelan at allegheny.edu
Tue Oct 12 13:40:50 EDT 2004

I had it on the stand out of the car all timed and turned it over with a 
socket on the crank bolt at least a couple dozen times just to listen to 
things and think about what all was happening and to be sure all was 
right.  All was great and timing never slipped until I put the engine in 
and put the starter to it.  That is when the cam pulley slipped and all 
hell broke loose.     Hagar you said in a earlier post that the timing belt 
should be easy to put on. Mine is not. I have to put the belt on just the 
lip of the cam pulley, intermediate pulley and tensioner and hold my mouth 
just right to get it to work on with my finger tips. It is a new Conti belt?


At 09:19 AM 10/12/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Remember to set Piston #  1  at TDC   before installing Head.
>If you forgot  no problemo   ---- do as follows.  Turn cam and crank at 
>the same time
>to get things right.
>There will be a bit of touching valve and piston  --move slowly with two
>And  NEVER NEVER turn engine with the starter (Bart are you listening?)  until
>you turned the engine over say 4 times by hand.   If valves hit you will 
>feel it.
>I am afraid Bart forgot that part.     Remember cam rotates half the speed 
>of crank.
>PS: I got an engine where PO had installed head in the wrong posistion.
>---   by LUCK  I wanted to see if it was rusted solid. So I turned it by hand
>and got a valuable education.
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>Vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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