[Vwdiesel] Head studs

Gary Shea shea at gtsdesign.com
Wed Oct 13 16:50:27 EDT 2004

I've been doing a bit of research on head studs for a 12mm head.

They are about $180/set at Raceware.

ARP doesn't have a set specifically for the VW diesel but they have a
set that "should work".  I gave them the following information:

head thickness: 3.1
from deck surface to first thread: .5"
deck surface to bottom of hole: 1.72"
thread spec: 12mm, 1.75mm pitch
gasket thickness: .068" (rough measure with cheap caliper)
available land for nut, washer: .82"

I talked to Mike Rose 805 525 1497 x203 at the ARP factory.  They
would recommend a 5.4" stud, but they have a 5.75" stud for a Cummins
that should work.  This is a 200000-something strength material, unlike
studs for the cars which are at 175000-something.

The total price on this stud is:

12.90   stud
 4.47   nut (.502" tall)
  .81   washer

18.18  total

15.45  with 15% off "jobber rate" which we can apparently ask for and get

The model number is AU5.750-2LB

I think this would fit my '85 Quantum TD engine nicely, since we've got
room to torque the bolts with the engine on.  I'm not looking at a head
right now though, so any feedback welcomed.

        Gary Shea
        Salt Lake City
        801 487 8589

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