[Vwdiesel] Bad Bad Bad Bad Vibrations... by Emmit Williams

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Oct 21 11:52:24 EDT 2004

No where near as good as the Beach Boys version :o)
Just dug out the final few lines of the lyrics and to think
I 'm always moaning about the trashy lyrics of todays

..."Good good good good vibrations
(Oom bop bop)
She's na na . . .
Na na na na na
Na na na
Na na na na na
Na na na
Do do do do do
Do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do"

Emmit it couldnt be some States you're passing through have
poor road surfaces?
I remember going t osee my sister over in the east of the UK
and I stopped the car because of a severe vibration and
cursed my flat tyre on the busy highway ... only to find all
tyres fine and closer inspection of the road revealed
ripples in the bitumen not unlike a concrete drive...


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