[Vwdiesel] Injector Return Line Cap / Plug...

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 24 14:52:28 EDT 2004

Wow, is it really so hard to find those little caps? I
know that Halsey Import here in Portland Oregon has
them for cheap. I keep getting surprised about how
good I have it living close to them so I can get all
my parts from them easily.

Here's their webpage just in case someone doesn't have


info at halseyimportparts.com

Phone (503)256-0182    FAX (503)256-3155

I've only had the original ones go bad, never one that
I've put on, but then I've only owned them for 5-10
years. I was surprised to hear from Loren that shoving
something in the end of the hose actually worked
better, but I think I'll stick with the little caps.
They cost pennies last time I got them and I like how
clean it looks. (But yes, in a pinch I've used the
bolt into the end of a hose idea too.)


--- Val Christian <val at swamps.roc.ny.us> wrote:

> >     I use a solid sheet metal rivet. They are
> available in different sizes 
> > and make a great vacuum or fuel line plug for
> hoses. You can probably find them 
> I have a box of #14 5/8" pan head self tap screws. 
> Used screws 
> from the same box almost exclusively
> for fuel return lines over the years.  Just screw
> into a short segment of 
> hose.  The caps were once available as a replacement
> part (I remember buying
> several in the early 80's.  Last time I checked,
> mid-90's, they were not 
> available.  Having the screws flopping around always
> bugged me.  
> For the return hose, VW has always sold it by the
> meter.  A couple of parts
> places I've dealt with have tried to sell it
> "pre-cut" at several times
> the VW parts price.  Go figure.
> If you buy it by the meter, you'll have a 2" segment
> leftover which you can
> sink a screw into.
> Val
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