[Vwdiesel] crazy cam gear removal

Bart Wineland bwinelan at allegheny.edu
Thu Sep 9 20:11:13 EDT 2004

Thanks Sandy. I didn't describe my technique very clearly but I am doing it 
just as you suggest. Grabbing through the gear holes with the arms pointing 
into the center of the hub. I have rapped the head of the sprocket bolt 
harder than I know I should, or want to and I did not want to have to heat 
the gear but have done both, still with no success.  I center punched and 
drilled the center of the gear bolt to keep my puller stud from wandering 
off the bolt head and falling off, so I am getting good pressure now on the 
gear and that bugger still won't come off.  I tore my old junk engine apart 
a month or so ago just to practice and had no trouble getting that gear 
off? I'll keep trying and thanks for your response.


At 06:58 PM 9/10/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>At 05:12 PM 09/09/04 -0400, you wrote:
>.  Right now I am beating my head trying to get the
> >stupid cam gear off. The bolt came out no problem but the gear will not
> >pop. I know it is a tapered shaft with a key and can't figure why it won't
> >come off.  I have a 2 jaw puller that is kind of flimsy and keeps flying
> >off but it is the only one I have that is slim enough to get behind the
> >gear.
>1. It is not keyed. there is a slot, but no key, as it has to be
>"adjustable" to time the cam shaft at belt replacement.
>2. It is unwise to use a puller that grabs the rim of the sprocket, as it is
>cast iron like the pump sprocket, and can shatter if subjected to that kind
>of abuse. Best to get a puller that will grab the insides of the holes next
>to the hub.
>With the sprocket bolt in place (to protect the threads) and backed out a
>turn or two, apply pressure with the puller, then tap the center bolt of the
>puller while it is under stress. It should pop off.

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