[Vwdiesel] Injection pump talk for beginners. -( type of pump for engine ...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Sep 26 17:09:44 EDT 2004

> Loren  --- you have the piston to cylinder gap handy  --please post it 
> --and while you are at it tell Jeff Rakus where to get a tap for headbolt 
> threads.

  From memory:  It's .001 inch.  I forget where I got my tap.  I think 
most places like Sears (probably order it) or online places like MSC 
or any other industrial tool supplier would have them.  I think I got 
my valve stem reamer from MSC.
  Don't forget the thread pitch is different between the 11mm and 12mm 
bolts as I recall.

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