[Vwdiesel] Piston fit in block ---- ( when reboring ).

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Sep 28 13:57:52 EDT 2004

I consider myself a good reader (no Borge accent) and a good listener.

So when Gavrik and I dropped in on a German mechanic up here I listened
real carefully

Gavrik was concerned about ring seating and oil consumption  and I heard the
German say that VW diesels are not a straight bore.  It is like cone or funnel.
The top part is smaller than the bottom. ---Is that true ?.

Some of you may have missed it when Loren mentioned using Oven cleaner on
manifolds ----   great Idea ---  I got some left over Mr.Muscle. Got a self cleaner now.

The 2 thou piston fit I got from a friend. That is a tightie.    My GM book for
the V 8  say 5 thou.   

Val Christian mentioned to be careful when doing compression test  -- she may
fire if you do it wrong. ----I did hundreds of tests wrong .  Yes I turn off the fuel
but I was in the habit of squirting lots of AD-100 in there to see if the rings were
the problem.  ----- bang there goes a perfectly good gauge ?. (he is right).

Now for the pistons they are special --- and do not expand according to
Shepherd math.      What is a camground piston ?    And one member mentioned
that his piston was marked 10 on top --I think that means oversize. Not fit.

I have a 1960 Landrover 2.25L gasser with knurled piston skirts. Never did
find out if that was factory done. I got it near new. A very good engine that was.
Same block and crank as for the diesel model.

Grind the crank and it has to be marked gasser only. They are fuzzy in the UK.

All the diesels I looked at had so little wear  --- that I never had one rebored.
Just new rings and a valve job.And all was fine --- still is.Do a lot of heavy
duty honing and fitting of pistons.Find a tight piston and hone like crazy.


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