[Vwdiesel] compression adaptors

Chris Collin rangerdanger_svo at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 29 17:53:31 EDT 2004

I purchased my compression adaptor at toolsource.com.
  They were $12.00 each but there was a minimum order
 of $20.00, so I got a GM adapter as well.  I figured that
 would be the next likely diesel that I might ever work on.
  The quick disconnect is quarter inch wide with a square
 shouldered ridge.  I don't have a proper guage to connect
 this to yet, but luckily the vw adaptor quick disconnect
 nipple is threaded into the adaptor body (1/8 npt).  I just 
used a couple of fittings to size up to a welding gauge to 
get my readings.  The GM nipple is integral to the adaptor,
 so I'll have to fork over the bucks if I ever need it.  

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