[Vwdiesel] Pic of failed int shaft bearing

slatersfb at aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Fri Apr 1 11:13:44 EST 2005

Terrific pictures. Never saw failed intermediate shaft bearings before. Hone job looks excellent.
Oil Splooging - never a good thing.
Bob in NY
In case anyone is wondering what a failed intermediate shaft bearing looks 
like, here is a pic of mine:


Engine ran fine, other bearings were fine, but could not generate more 
than 25psi of hot oil pressure at 2000rpm, only about 35psi at 4000rpm 
hot. Most of the oil was splooging out the side of these bearings - both of 
them looked like this. 
This was an '86 1.6TD, and bearing is original VW part.

Other pics in the folder show various shots of my block, which is now 
honed and ready to clean up:

(I decided to try honing more to work at the vertical scoring, and use a 
slower speed with faster strokes to get steeper crosshatches. Turns out 
the 2 cylinders I did first had the worst scoring, the other 2 are much 

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