[Vwdiesel] Pic of failed int shaft bearing

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Fri Apr 1 13:53:46 EST 2005

Hey, it's still vw diesel, so on topic I'd say! :-)
I too am curious about the green striper blocks. I'm pretty sure my '85 
1.6NA also has one, and I am fairly certain it is original - I am 3rd owner, 
and have receipts from new. But I've heard the VW canada reman story 
also. What doesn't make sense is that there is no indication my TD was a 
reman - std size pistons, bearings, and no 'X' on the serial #. My 2.1L wbx 
in my Westy is a VW Canada reman, and has a sticker to that effect, along 
with an X stamped after the serial #. It's possible they were reman'd for a 
head gasket failure, and didn't need more than that.

On 1 Apr 2005 at 10:12, Chuck Carnohan wrote:

> This is way off topic but fascinates me. You have one of those "green
> striper" blocks! Just a stripe of the green paint around the block. 2nd
> one I've seen!  Mine is a 1.6NA and came in an '84 Rabbit.  I don't know
> if it is the original engine for the car or if this poor excuse for a
> paint job means something else.  Several months back someone said they
> had seen 1.5 blocks rebuilt for VW in Canada with this paint scheme.
> Chuck Carnohan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
> On Behalf Of slatersfb at aol.com
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 9:13 AM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Pic of failed int shaft bearing
> Terrific pictures. Never saw failed intermediate shaft bearings before.
> Hone job looks excellent.
> Oil Splooging - never a good thing.
> Bob in NY
> ***********
> In case anyone is wondering what a failed intermediate shaft bearing
> looks 
> like, here is a pic of mine:
> http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels/TD_Rebuild/P3312493.JPG
> Engine ran fine, other bearings were fine, but could not generate more 
> than 25psi of hot oil pressure at 2000rpm, only about 35psi at 4000rpm 
> hot. Most of the oil was splooging out the side of these bearings - both
> of 
> them looked like this. 
> This was an '86 1.6TD, and bearing is original VW part.
> Other pics in the folder show various shots of my block, which is now 
> honed and ready to clean up:
> http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels/TD_Rebuild
> (I decided to try honing more to work at the vertical scoring, and use a
> slower speed with faster strokes to get steeper crosshatches. Turns out 
> the 2 cylinders I did first had the worst scoring, the other 2 are much 
> better.)
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Shawn Wright, I.T. Manager
Shawnigan Lake School
swright at sls.bc.ca

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