[Vwdiesel] NA exhaust valves for a TD head?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Apr 7 00:46:23 EDT 2005

Talking about those bearings on the intermediate shaft ?  ---I do NOT like 
the looks.
Check things out real good to find out what went wrong.

  They're old, PERIOD!  It's not only a common occurance it's why 
replacing those bearings on a rebuild is MANDATORY.  Probably 
something to do with being a circular bearing and thermal expansion 
and contraction cycles.  Regardless, after a couple hundred thousand 
miles most of them look like this.  Of course that's generally after about 
15 to 20 years too so it's just as likely that time is a factor also.

> The way I remember it , the exhaust valve in the TDs are a special alloy and 
> coated.
> NOT like NA valves.
> So at least get the turbo valves --non sodium.

  I recall them being coated but not any special alloy.  Thing is when I 
put together the NEW head for Dad's pu, there were NO listings for 
a TD exhaust valve.  Only the INTAKES were listed as NA or TD.  
Couldn't see anything really special with them.

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