[Vwdiesel] hillbilly tuning
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Apr 9 13:04:10 EDT 2005
This is for Sandy Cameron and ALL --- Hillbilly Tuners ---- or to become Tuners.
In the past I failed to mentioned ---- that yes you can use a bit or the whole ball of wax as you like
If you only want to test the Pump ? sure ---then time by dial indicator. why NOT ?.
Hillbilly Tuning is very unconventional ----like Hagar ----strange exentric stuff. BUT ?
do you want to argue with PERFORMANCE ? ---then you are pissing in to the wind.
Ask any flyboy what that is like.
Yes Sandy Cameron you are well on your way ---to become an expert Hillbilly Tuner.
Remove that injector # 1 and lock your Camshft in place --- and make a NEW mark on
flywheel. With piston # 1 exactly TDC. ----be accurate -- . Before you finish put your
Tourque wrench on Camshaft and pull 45 foot pounds ---if nothing moves it is OK.
To feel piston I use an old dipstick (the flat type) ---works for me.
Sandy Cameron I know you are a shoe in for testing the pumps ----- so your next move should be to make
a pressure gauge adaptor. ----it took me about 30 minutes to make one. So if it takes one of you
half a day ? ---you will never regret.
Lets face it if your pump pressure at idle is 1.0 bar and you time by dial indicator ? ---you will
never be happy. -----NEVER.---that is
If you compare your Rabbit to Bunny Bondo --girl ---the most fun car I ever owned.
1984 1.6L turbo Rabbit --operated as an ECO --getting 78 Miles to a gallon Imp and
putting out an estimated 55 HP . No smoke and sounds good. Turbo putting out about
5 PSI during normal driving.
Close to 300 000 km and never had an overhaul of engine or Turbo. Did have new
rings and rod bearings at 184 000 kms.
FUN ? I say ? ---yes going by that Shell Station on the corner make me laugh --near every
time. --- I got my first car in 1953 in San Antonio Texas. --It was black forget what it was
fleetwood chev ? was there such a thing. ? 6 cylinder inline. and manual --no automatic
tranney or power steering or brakes.
In all those years of driving --I never considered the cost of fuel --until lately. They say
that I am on a fixed income ? (they are IDIOTS) --it is a deminishing income. So now
I have to sharpen my screwdriver and Hillbilly TUNE.
By the way today is 09 April 2005 --that marks exactly 65 years since I saw (and heard) all those
diesel Panzers roll on to my home island of Amager. Denmark.
So it is brew time. -----regardless. ------ too bad I did not have an RPG.
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